School Lessons

Fractal learning – under the name “Zaubermathe” – has been used in afterschool tutoring and gifted education programs with great success since 2012.

ESBZ (Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum)

Fractal Learning has been offered at the ESBZ Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum since 2014. After successful test runs in grades 9 and 10, selected students were able to learn “fractal” for the first time over a two-year period (grades 8-9). In the current school year, a three-year course in Fractal Learning will be offered for the first time (grades 7-9). Furthermore, it is also being offered as a supplemental course for students from grades 10 and 13.

Reinhold Burger Schule (Pankow)

Due to the initiative of the head of the age-group level, a 7th grade class at the Reinhold Burger School started Fractal Learning in the school year 2020/21. The project is spread out over 4 years (7 – 10) and utilizes tag-team teaching. As a result of the course’s success, all four seventh-grade classes are now learning fractal in the current year. To make this possible, three math teachers, including the department head, are currently embarking on the adventure of literally turning many a principle on its head.

You can find out more about private lessons on the Zaubermathe website.
